This month one more CARMENTA SPS project task begins: 7.6 Performance Assessment starts. This task, led by BPTI, is part of the work package responsible for System Modelling and Assessment, led by SAFRAN.
Project partners participating in the implementation of this task will generate statistics highlighting the adherence of the system behaviour to the expected performances based on the collected data. The analysis will be performed on different platforms / scenarios to provide performance output of the SPS during its mission. SPS configuration identification for best results will be an axis of the analysis and used to prepare design documentation for WP8 (PDR).
According to Raimundas Matulis, the project leader from BPTI, simulation is an effective approach to guide the decisions of experts who are designing the SPS architecture. During this step it is important to evaluate the outputs of the simulation criteria with the requirements for the performance of the SPS. The output data of the simulation generated from various scenarios and vignettes would be taken into consideration and analyzes made to consider the most effective ways of using CARMENTA SPS on different platforms and within different situations. On the other hand, SPS simulation could also provide information for incremental enhancements.
System Modelling and Assessment will allow the simulation of the entire system in a simulated environment and the prediction of the system behavior assessing architectural solutions and supporting the final architecture design.