May 12, 2023JED Digital Edition features CARMENTA SPS projectA European Union (EU)-funded initiative intended to establish an architecture for a future air platform self-pro tection svstem (SPS) is...
May 11, 2023CARMENTA SPS WP7 meeting in ParisOn 10th of May BPTI lead CARMENTA SPS’s task 7.6 face-to-face meeting in which deliverable D7.3 was finalized, defining key metrics for...
Mar 10, 2023CARMENTA SPS: Performance AssessmentThis month one more CARMENTA SPS project task begins: 7.6 Performance Assessment starts. This task, led by BPTI, is part of the work...
Jan 6, 2023Self Protection Suite (SPS) ModellingFour new tasks started in the eleventh month of the project, this time we want to present one of them in more detail. Task 7.5, led by...
Oct 6, 2022CARMENTA SPS Technical Management Board meetingOn 27-28 September, the CARMENTA SPS Technical Management Board (TMB) met at the ELETTRONICA SPA (ELT) premises in Rome. Main objectives...
Mar 17, 2022CARMENTA SPS presented at the major Air Power conference in the BalticsOn 17 March 2022, Alfonsas Juršėnas from the Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology presented the CARMENTA SPS project at the...
Feb 24, 2022CARMENTA SPS will push forward the EU technological excellence to achieve air superiority goalThe future operational scenario is often characterized by an unprecedented level of rapidly changing risks and uncertainty which in turn...
Jul 23, 2021Elettronica named as coordinator of CARMENTA SPS projectElettronica continues its successful involvement in European defence programmes. This began in 2017 when the company participated in the...